Belt (dee)Tying

  1. Fold your belt (Dee) in half with the ends together to find the center.
  2. Place center of the belt on stomach  to front, crossing the end in your right hand over the end in your left hand. (Left over right)
  3. Switches hands on your belt ends and take the end in your left hand and slip it under both piece of your belt around your waist. Pull both ends up and down to tighten.
  4. Take top end that is in your left hand and hold it out in front of you. Take the end in your right hand and bend it over to the left. (Right over Left)
  5. Take the left end and bend it over the right end, up and through the knot hole.
  6. Pull both ends tight with a couple of pulls.
Now you have just made a square knot. Pull ends down to see that they are even.
NEVER wash your (Dee) belt!


The way I tie mine!(photos and video)



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