Grant's Family Martial Arts Center

Friendship TKD Tournament

19 Jan. 2008


Master Jonathan Baines
1st Sparring * 1st Forms
Q'mari Jackson
1st Sparring * 2nd Forms
Hunter Ruggiero
1st Sparring * 2nd Forms
Brandon Oxton
2nd Sparring * 3rd Forms
Jared Mason
2nd Forms * 3rd Sparring
Marissa Knobel
2nd Forms * 3rd Sparring
Jeremy Harris
3rd Forms * 3rd Sparring
Trayshawn Batchelor
3rd Forms * 3rd Sparring
Owen Williams
3rd Forms * 3rd Sparring
Slide show of tournament:


S1     S2     S3

Thanks to Mr. Mason for shooting photos!

Short Video with JB
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