A BIG thanks goes to the following supporters for donating their funds to enable me to ride in the MS150.   As of June 5th, the riders raised $250,000.00 with more funds arriving in by July. My donators names are in order as I received funds:
Mike Duman Auto Sales Inc. - Gordon's Body Shop
Mr. & Mrs. Frank Cross - Steve Stevens - Ray Wilson
Thea Cromwell -  Mr. & Mrs. Delmont Harbour
Mr. & Mrs. Boyd Strong - Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Worrell 

Mr. & Mrs. Marshall Williams - Mr. & Mrs. Lenny Wills

Mr. & Mrs. Woodrow Crook - Mr. & Mrs. Wendle Cooper

Mr. & Mrs. Lance Morgan

Wayne with Lance Armstrong


(Click on thumnails to enlarge)

  Rest stop on Sat.

       "The Road Rash Couple"

The End on Sunday at 1:55

      Dads with Sons



Wayne Spencer

See photos from my previous rides:

1999   http://www.vatkd.com/ms150.html

2000   http://www.vatkd.com/00ms150.htm

2003   http://www.vatkd.com/03_ms150.htm

See the official National Multiple Sclerosis Society for more info:

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