Come and join us for a weekend of riding-Below is from the May 2000 MS Bike Tour-Link here to the 2001 MS150 Bike Tour web sit for additional info-registration.

Matt and I raised $400. together for MS and a big thanks goes to the  following generous donators:

Mike Duman of  Duman Auto Sales * Tony Cordero * Janie Walters * James Cook * Aunt Bee * Steve Stevens *  Eric Martindale * Mukesh Barot * Robert Bonner * Gabriel Jimenez * Gary Miller * Frank Cross * Iris Sylvia * Lynn Spencer * Chris Lawrence



This year Matt encouraged a school friend to participate...Neal Eike


Suffolk's only bike shop owned and operated by Bill Williams was one of the shops that provided bike repairs on the two day trip...thanks Bill!


Click here for additional information from the MS web site!

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